My rating: 5 of 5 stars
You know that feeling when you're in a book slump?. You search and search for a story that will give you the book high that you crave so hard. You don't want to start a new book only to be disappointed that it falls short, because you have recently read greatness and nothing can compare to the feelings that it invoked?Well this is me. Like all the time hahaha I'm a book junkie I love the high, and I can not cope at all with the low.Not only did 'A Pretty Pill' pull me out of my book slump, take me on an amazing high, I'm now left coping with the Low.
Jade Tayte is a party girl, living on campus at university and enjoying the carefree lifestyle that comes with being a 19 year old student, living away from home.
One morning she gets a call that changes her life forever.
In a freak accident while driving on their way to collect Jade for Summer Break, Jade’s parents are killed and her brother Silas is left fighting for his life.
Jade is forced to consider her future, when it becomes apparent that her Grandparents do not intend to step in and take on the challenging behaviours that Silas manifests, when it becomes clear that he will survive.
At 19, and with no script to follow, Jade must take on a parenting role for her 12 year old brother.
I really struggled with these chapters, Jade going through the emotions of losing both parents and trying to be there for Silas.
I couldn't believe her grandparents!
You feel her frustration and pain.
All the drama she endured to get Silas in her care. It was really infuriating.
~I'm getting better at pretending in the daylight, around everyone else. I hold it together pretty well, but at night when the darkness surrounds me, when I'm in bed and the gravity of the situation is closing in and engulfing me like black tar, sucking oxygen out of my body and leaving me gasping for breath, I struggle.~

Not only is Jade dealing with the day to day dealings of being a parent to her teenage brother but Silas has a Mental Illness.
The struggles they go through to control his illness is heartbreaking.
~"Why couldn't you let me die too?" He cries, "I'm not here. I'm not, I can't, please kill me." He pleads painfully.
"I love you. I love you, and I can't imagine life without you too." I cry
He's crying too, and holding me fiercely.
"Why couldn't you just let me die? he croaks, his body shuddering.
"Because I can't and I won't." I explain. ~
~I'm a coward, but I want to die." He says pleadingly stressing the 'want'.
"Please kill me Jade, when I'm sleep tonight, come in and stab me, straight through my heart, please." He begs me.~

It's so hard to read and not be effected by this.
Jade is living her life for Silas, no longer the carefree girl she once was her life is no longer hers.
~Silas' pain in my pain….
My pain is my pain….
All loss is my loss….
I don't begin or end. I'm a desolate husk of a fractured being that has no idea how to heal, because nobody wants to save me. Not even Silas, because he's struggling too much with the demons that desperately cling to his soul. And because I define myself within his struggle to be free of them. I am a slave to the drama; a slave to the feeling of helplessness that engulfs me every time Silas struggles to keep his feet walking one step at a time. I wanted so much to be my own person, free an unencumbered, it will never be like that again. I hate that Jade now, she's an accomplishment I'll never know, she left me behind in this chaos, I hate her, I hate me.~

Then we meet Ben....
UFC fighter Benjamin Reynolds has come home to Australia to care for his ailing mother who has been diagnosed with Metastatic Breast Cancer.
Ben Meets Jade at the local gym and even though she is not normally his type he is drawn to her. However Jade isn't interested and that is what starts weeks of hilarious banter.
~"You are a delusional, self congratulating, chauvinistic, loudmouth louse of a dickhead donkey fucker." she snarls, and then continues, "If your dick gets anywhere near my vagina, you're going to need a surgical team to reattach it."~
~"Fuckface? Is that and invitation to fuck my face , or have me fuck yours?"~
Hahahah They were gold!
The sexual tension is too much when they finally Kiss. WOW what a Kiss it was.. Intense!
~Consuming and desperate need is burning a pathway through me, pooling in my pelvis; and I need him to crawl inside my body, entirely inside, like he could be buried within me. My sexual denial is just ludicrous; this man has my body and soul right here, right now and there's simply no denying the attraction any more. I'm seriously feeling destroyed, blown apart, like stardust in a distant sky, floating and inconsistent. ~
But Jade still fights her attraction and pushes Ben away.
Ben has been professionally fighting since he was 18, and it’s all he knows... so he also finds himself instructing mixed-martial arts classes at his local Police Citizens Youth Club, three evenings a week.
In a twist of fate here he is introduced to a talented hopeful, Silas.
Ben situates himself in Silas life and will not give up on Jade.
~"You think I'm going to run away from Silas or find him too hard then you're fucking stupid. I want to help him. So regardless of you throwing me away yet again, get used to seeing me around cupcake; because I have already decided to move in on the Silas Territory."~
When they do finally get together the sex is HOT!
Smoking hot.
~"Look at me." I growl gutturally. My hips and thrusting is rocking us, rocking the bed, bouncing her head on the pillow beneath it.
She looks up at me with those beautiful green eyes, and I can see the universe hidden in their depths as our eyes lock, and she pleadingly says, "oh, Fuck me."
I feel like I'm crawling inside of her, completely and utterly. The claim she has on me is complete, I can't imagine doing this again with anyone that isn't her.~
~"Get that fucking shirt off now, or I'll fucking tear it off in pieces." He growls, referring to the open pyjama top I have left on me. ~
~"I need you to kneel Red, kneel for me and cling on to the headboard." He requests.
I nod and arrange my quivering legs to compliance.
I feel ben's cock now that I'm situated in from of him, and he's guiding it into my pussy, where he slides it into my pulsing centre.
"Fuck, I just don't think I can get enough of this Red, you feel so fucking good; all the time." He says. ~
The sex scene when he asks about anal and he words his sentence wrong, and they both start laughing so hard. OH my GOD funny as!!
At the same time Ben is dealing with his mothers illness as she slowly starts to deteriorate.
The scenes with his mother had me sobbing. So sad.
~ My mum claims her in that moment, and my heart feels so much pain that I can't understand how something so beautiful can hurt so much. ~
~I can't help the tears as they form in my eyes, I can't help the sting in my throat as the pain transcends the confines of my heart and travels up to burn through my oesophagus; I can't prevent the gulping bubble of wrenching pain that erupts from my lungs. I can only place my hand over my mouth and 'will it' that nobody can hear me. ~
Jades journey was so hard to read. She and Silas go through so much.
A then with Ben and his mum. It really is so much to take in.
She constantly running but Ben is always there pulling her back.
This was intense. I'll tell you now I'm a tough nut to crack with tears. Sometimes a tear will escape or a tiny little hiccup can be heard, but generally I'm not a 'crier'.
I think in the 4 hrs it took me to read this I sobbed, 'SOBBED' at least 5 times. Like ugly U.G.L.Y cry.
My hubby was like wtf Jess what are you reading?
And I think I scared my kids hahaha.
I loved Silas and I can not wait for his story. I really want it now. But for now I guess I will have to not wait patiently.
Criss Copp has written an amazing story that just pulls you in.
Its raw and painful, You heart is aching.
Then your laughing and swooning so hard over Ben and Jade.
I want more!!
Favourite lines
~"I don't drink coffee with Neanderthals, I'm sorry if I appear to be rude, but I am rude."~
~"That Sir, is cataclysmic and thank you for calling me God. Your meal will be served when you can breathe again." I say to Ben who has flopped on the bed after coming in my mouth and deciding standing is not what he can currently manage.
"Meal?" he asks groggily.
"My pussy waits to be devoured." I explain.~
~"So good, just so good Ben, I feel like I should tear your head off and eat you like a Prey mantis." Jade Puffs.
"Excuse me?" I ask confusedly.
"Female Prey mantises eat their male counterpart after hot sex." She explains. ~
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