Becoming A Vincent, Book 1 in a brand new series, The Wild Ones from C.M. Owens is now live !!!
#NewRelease #TheWildOnes #CMOwens #BookSmackedAuthor
#BecauseBeards #CantTameAWildOne

When you live in a place where “turbo speed” internet is a slight step above dial-up, men carry on nine-year beard-growing challenges out of stubborn pride, and your brothers do things like nail all your panties to the outside of your cabin just for funsies, you tend to be a little crazy. You can call it a "locational" hazard, if you will.
That’s Tomahawk for you.
We rank people based on just how crazy they are. And the four craziest families in town are called the Wild Ones.
I’m on the bottom tier of those, so technically I’m not as crazy as the other Wild Ones. In fact, if it wasn’t for my brothers and their endless antics, I wouldn’t be considered a Wild One at all. Ahem. Sure. We’ll go with that.
Anyway, I have a best friend who endures it all with me. Benson Nolans is my one, constant favorite person.
Without him, I’d probably go really crazy, and not the fun kind. It’d be ridiculous, after three years of a flawless friendship, to mess that all up by falling for him.
I mean, even if we did get a little too close one night, it’d be reckless endangerment. Even if we did suddenly feel the chemistry that’s always been there and stop toeing the line, it’d be a foolish risk to take.
It’d be stupid to start hoping a really fun, but completely irrational, night with zero inhibitions might accidentally happen.
Really stupid…
*NO cliffhanger
*Stand-alone book
*Sexual Content
*Adult language
*Completely, 100% crazy
🎶I'm a real wild child🎶
New series from CM Owens and of course... SMASHED!!
This author can do no wrong for me. Like ever. I would even read her shopping list if she popped it on Amazon. Not joking. I'm deadly serious.
When you pick up a CM Owens book you can guarantee a few things. Firstly? A good laugh. I don't care what your sense of humor is you will laugh! Secondly? The male lead will make you drip drip drip straight down your legs! Every darn time! Thirdly? The female lead will remind you of yourself. Every time i find something about them that has me like "OMG that's so something i would do". And fourthly? (<---- is that a word?lol) You will not put the freaking book down until it's done. Finished. Finito. If you read any of her books make sure you have time to finish!
This series is set in a lakeside town called Tomahawk. Home of the Wild Ones. The Wild Ones are 4 crazy families that had to be separated to the four corners of the lake to ensure the whole town wasn't destroyed in the crossfire of their antics.
This book concentrates on the Vincent family. Lilah, Killian and Hale are triplets. Lilah is more of the adult in the trio although she's still wild. Her brothers are banned from just about every place in town causing destruction and chaos wherever they go although the destruction is mostly of inanimate objects sometimes people get in the way lol
Benson isn't a native Tomahawker he's been there for 9 years. He moved there to start a new life. A few years pass and he makes friends with Lilah. They become inseparable but friends only. He helps her when her brothers are driving her nuts. He has her back. Friends only. Yep just friends. lol
I could go into more detail but I'm not gonna. It's a shorter book so you need to read it and find out what goes on. I will say there's explosions, fireworks, slingshots, cougar's and BEARDS!!! I love a good thigh tickler so this appealed to me :)
The writing is amazing and pulls you in. The story had me laughing and smiling. I swooned mahoosively over Benson just YUM MEEEEE. I want Lilah as my bestie. I have a thing for her naughty brothers and i burned reading the love scenes! Sexy and romantic and fun!
I'm dying already for more of this crazy town. We're off to the Malone corner next with Kylie and her cowboy boot collection and Liam who i'm hoping grows a beard!!! lol
Pure brilliance and fun! If you're looking for a fab light hearted read pick this badboy up now!
New series from CM Owens and of course... SMASHED!!
This author can do no wrong for me. Like ever. I would even read her shopping list if she popped it on Amazon. Not joking. I'm deadly serious.
When you pick up a CM Owens book you can guarantee a few things. Firstly? A good laugh. I don't care what your sense of humor is you will laugh! Secondly? The male lead will make you drip drip drip straight down your legs! Every darn time! Thirdly? The female lead will remind you of yourself. Every time i find something about them that has me like "OMG that's so something i would do". And fourthly? (<---- is that a word?lol) You will not put the freaking book down until it's done. Finished. Finito. If you read any of her books make sure you have time to finish!
This series is set in a lakeside town called Tomahawk. Home of the Wild Ones. The Wild Ones are 4 crazy families that had to be separated to the four corners of the lake to ensure the whole town wasn't destroyed in the crossfire of their antics.
This book concentrates on the Vincent family. Lilah, Killian and Hale are triplets. Lilah is more of the adult in the trio although she's still wild. Her brothers are banned from just about every place in town causing destruction and chaos wherever they go although the destruction is mostly of inanimate objects sometimes people get in the way lol
Benson isn't a native Tomahawker he's been there for 9 years. He moved there to start a new life. A few years pass and he makes friends with Lilah. They become inseparable but friends only. He helps her when her brothers are driving her nuts. He has her back. Friends only. Yep just friends. lol
I could go into more detail but I'm not gonna. It's a shorter book so you need to read it and find out what goes on. I will say there's explosions, fireworks, slingshots, cougar's and BEARDS!!! I love a good thigh tickler so this appealed to me :)
The writing is amazing and pulls you in. The story had me laughing and smiling. I swooned mahoosively over Benson just YUM MEEEEE. I want Lilah as my bestie. I have a thing for her naughty brothers and i burned reading the love scenes! Sexy and romantic and fun!
I'm dying already for more of this crazy town. We're off to the Malone corner next with Kylie and her cowboy boot collection and Liam who i'm hoping grows a beard!!! lol
Pure brilliance and fun! If you're looking for a fab light hearted read pick this badboy up now!
Reviewed by Kerry
5 Because Beards Stars
Check out Chapter 1 Here
About the Author
C.M. Owens always loves a good laugh, and lives and breathes the emotions of the characters she becomes attached to. Though she came from a family of musicians, she has zero abilities with instruments; she sounds like a strangled cat when she sings; and her dancing is downright embarrassing. Just ask anyone who knows her. Her creativity rests solely in the written word. Her family is grateful that she gave up her quest to become a famous singer.
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