The sequel to Liv's Existence
Love and Loss.
Two tiny words, each with their own powerful impact. They can both happen at any given moment and both can forever change your soul. It’s how you allow it to change you that matters. The hard part is finding a balance when the loss gets overwhelming. How do you do that when everyone you thought you couldn’t live without leaves you?
Loss is inevitable. I’ve had enough in my life to know that much. Now I’ve just got to figure out how to survive it.
Ages 18+ due to adult situations and violence. Some situations may be difficult for some readers.
Abby’s Survival picks up where Liv’s Existence ended. I thought that this book would be more about Abby’s story but it was still pretty centered around Liv a lot as well as Abby.
Liv has to deal with the aftermath of her attack by Adam. She has been hurt emotionally and physically beyond repair. She can’t stand the help or the touch of anyone…except Abby.
Kyle is so in love with Liv that seeing her battle with the hurt day in and day out and refusing his help is too much for him to take. He can’t stand to see the way she lets Abby in but refuses him. He loves her but he doesn’t know how long he can sit by and be pushed away.
Abby has secrets that she hasn’t revealed to Liv or John yet. She isn’t sure she can. She loves them both so much that she just knows that once they find out the truth about her and her past that they will not want anything to do with her.
After his attack on Liv, Adam has been MIA but never very far away. He has damaged both girls so much that they are having a hard time really moving on from all the pain that he has caused. The only people they can really trust and count on are each other.
Abby has been so focused on Liv and all the issues with Adam that she has stopped taking care of herself and it is showing. Liv tries to be there for her and get her to open up to her but Abby refuses to let Liv in on some of the secrets from her past and it causes a rift between the friends.
I found Abby and Liv’s relationship a bit weird. They were extremely close and lines and boundaries are tested which only upset the men in their lives even more.
There were many “What in the Heck is going on” moments in this book. There are so many people involved that their relationships with each other get a bit confusing and crossed. You never really know who is going to end up with who until the end.
I found some of the drama unnecessary and some of the conversations between Abby and Liv dragged out more than they needed to be. But there were also beautiful moments that really held you captive and tugged at your heart.
Overall I did enjoy this series. I think it is a great story of trying to overcome your past and learning to live again. It’s about trusting in the people that have been there for you through it all and learning to love and reclaim yourself again.
*** 4 Stars ***
Reviewed by Alissa Evanson

Liv's Existence + Abby's Survival Bundle $3.99 through May ONLY
John stepped in and closed the door. “That isn’t the reception I was hoping for.” He locked the door.
“And what reception was that? I couldn’t get the parade together for you since you never called to tell me you were ever coming back.” I never looked up while I talked, but I had heard him lock the door and my excitement grew. If I looked up, he would’ve known I wanted him—despite how indifferent I was trying to be.
I should’ve kept my eyes on him. He was next to me before I knew it, and he startled me as he twirled my chair around and knelt down in front of me. “I like you in skirts, Abs.” He slid his hand up my thigh.
“Jo–John.” I stopped his hand. “You don’t get to ignore me for ten days and then come waltzing into my office expecting me to drop my panties for you.” I turned back to my desk, proud that I had stood my ground. I hadn’t done that before.
John sighed and got up to go back to the chair in front of my desk. “I’m sorry, Abby. I’m a fool that had to figure out a few things, but I figured them out, and I’m here now.” He watched me work in silence for a few minutes. “When can you get out of here, so we can have a proper celebration?”
“And just what are we celebrating?”
I didn’t know if I had heard him right. I wanted to jump over the desk and onto his lap, but I was scared that I had misunderstood what he was saying. I swallowed. “Us? What do we have to celebrate?”
“Why don’t we talk about that over dinner? So, when can you go?”
“Why do you automatically assume I’m free for dinner—or anything else, for that matter?” I was still pissed he hadn’t called for ten days and came in as if nothing had happened.
“You’re pissed. I get it, and I deserve it. I’m in town for a few days, and if you change your mind, give me a call.” He was up and had the door open before he finished.
“Are you going to call me back this time?” I was still hurt, but didn’t want him to leave.
“No, I’m going to answer and not let it go to voicemail. I really am sorry, Abs. When you want me, call me, and we’ll talk over dinner.” He turned and walked out.
I stared at my phone. I wanted to call him back to the office desperately, but I didn’t want to seem too desperate. Who was I kidding? I picked up the phone.
He didn’t answer the phone, but stepped back into the doorway with a huge smile. “I thought you’d never call.” He locked the door again and was back by my side with just a few large steps. He lifted me out of my chair and put my arms around his neck. “This is the greeting you will greet me with from now on.” He slapped my ass and kissed me hard. “Understood?”
I grabbed the bulge in his jeans. “Keep ordering me around and slapping my ass like that, and I’ll never touch your little friend here again.” I squeezed. “Understood?”
A slow smile spread across his face. “Completely.”
I tried to not smile, but failed. “You just took that as a challenge.” I turned back to my desk.
John grabbed me and pulled me to him. I placed my hands on his chest to brace myself for impact before I slammed into him. “I’m not finished with you yet.” He cupped my face and brought it to his. He kissed me so softly and sweetly that I had trouble catching my breath. I was glad to finally have something good steal breath from me. I gripped his shirt, trying to pull him closer.
He stopped kissing me, but still held my face and looked in my eyes. He whispered, “I love you, Abigail Hughes.”
My eyes shot open wide as I tried to push on his chest. I needed to be out of his grip, but he wouldn’t let me go. “You can’t love me. I’m no good for you.”
He pulled me to him and wrapped his big arms around me. “It’s scary, isn’t it? To let yourself be this vulnerable with someone again takes a lot of trust—and I’m very happy and honored you decided to trust me.”
B.L. Mooney started writing when the voices and storylines in her head ran out of room. They were getting too cramped and neither B.L. nor the characters could take it anymore, so she did the only thing she could do--she made room. She always knew she wanted to write, but vowed to make time for it later. Now that she's made time for writing, most everything else falls to the wayside. That seems to suit the characters that keep popping up just fine.
B.L. lives in the Midwest and her other talents include in-demand cookies, a very dry sense of humor, and stealth eavesdropping. Some mannerisms, attitudes, or twists come from random sentences picked up while passing by strangers. So speak up the next time you have something to gossip about. You never know, it may just end up on the pages of the next book you read.
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