Tacet a Mortuis, the third installment in Amo Jones's Romantic Suspense Elite Kings Series is AVAILABLE NOW!

Hail to the king, and watch him reign, this game was somewhat fun, until the finale came…
Now we’re here, with carnage and despair, and the only questions left to answer, are the ones that do not appear...
A king loses a war, and a swan sheds her wings, chaos collides with peace, as the crows begin to sing…
Enter if you dare, because I swear the end is near, but nothing is as it seems, and everything is so bare.
So what the f*ck is going on at Riverside,
I think, I think... everyone is about to die....

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What a ride this series is turning out to be! Honestly i swear it gets more exciting with each book!! I didn't know there were more to come but i'm seriously happy about it!!!
We pick up where we left off with Madison having faced another blast from her past.
I don't want to really go into details on the story. I don't want to spoil it at all.
There are twists and turns at every step. Secrets kept and some now beginning to be shared. Finally Bishop is opening up but he has so many secrets i'm sure Madison will never find them all out.
I loved every single second of this book. It kept me gripped and on the edge of my seat. At one point i was wondering if it was going to go the supernatural route!!! Honestly breathtaking. I was holding my breath so much i may now apply to the Guinness book of records to see if i can get the world record for it!!
Bishop as usual got me hot and sweaty. He's so mean sometimes but honestly there's just something about that man!! Maybe it's the power i'm not really sure but shiiiiit!!! I so would!! He would be definitely worth anything he throws at you!!
Madison is just... wow how she copes with all the stuff thrown at her is just...amazing!! She has a bit of a breakdown here and there but she's coming into her own with each book. She's certainly shaping up to be queen of the Kings Elite!! She has her besties shaping up too Tillie and Tate who have been drawn into the inner circle.
I'm loving how as the story is unfolding we're getting more of the other characters too. Nate, Brantley, Jase, Hunter etc we're getting to know them too. Plus extra special bonus we're getting into the heads of the generations before these Kings!! Well not sure it's so good but definitely eye opening and intriguing.
I was surprised to have a little tear in here too. Ok maybe it was a bit bigger than little. My heart broke a little towards the end.
Yes there is a cliffie so to speak leading to Malum which is book 4!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhh so excited!!!!!
You definitely have to read this story in order. It is not a standalone and if you tried then i can guarantee you would be very confused lol!!
I can't gush about this series enough. Unique and original it's absolutely captivated me from book 1!!
5 The saga continues stars!!
Reviewed by Kerry
About Amo Jones
Amo Jones is a small country girl totally winging this author thing (she's probably doing it all wrong). She likes cake, loves wine, and her religion is magic. She's a profound work-a-holic, but when she's not writing, you can find her chilling with her kids & partner at the nearest beach, with a cocktail in her hand.
New Zealand is not a state of Australia and rugby is the best sport ever played.
Follow Amo Jones
Website: http://www.amojonesbooks.com/
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