Title: The Final Temptation
Author: K.C. Lynn
Genre: Erotica Romance
Release Date: April 2, 2015
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KAYLA~ He moved in next door to me, all bronzed skin and lean muscle,
with a panty dropping smile that could make any girl weep with need. He
set my body and teenage hormones on fire for three years. THREE LONG
In that time he became a cop- Officer Sexy as I liked to
call him- and every time I pushed, he retreated. But I knew he felt it, I
saw it in the way he looked at me. So one night I set my plan in motion
and upped my game. I finally reeled the sexy bastard in, and he didn’t
know what hit him.
COOPER~ She tempted me with her smart mouth and
tight body for three painful years. I took an oath to uphold the law
and honor it, which she made almost impossible not to break. But when
the day finally came, I made her pay, every beautiful inch of her. She
might drive me crazy and be the biggest pain in the ass, but she’s my
pain in the ass. And I’ll spend everyday for the rest of my life making
sure she never forgets who she belongs to.
You asked for
our story and now we are going to give it to you. Cooper and I are not
only going to share our special day with you, but we are going to take
you back to a time that was frustrating, sexy, explosive and downright
Here is our story, from beginning to… forever.
Here is our story, from beginning to… forever.
This is a
Novella with an HEA and is told in dual POV. It is the last book to the
Men Of Honor Series. Although you don’t have to read every book in the
series, I strongly recommend that the first book, Fighting Temptation,
should be read prior to Kayla and Cooper’s story in order to understand
many aspects of this book.
WARNING~ Due to mature subject matter,
such as explicit sexual situations and coarse language, this story is
not suitable for anyone under the age of eighteen.
Alissa's Review
***Please note that the first book in the Men of Honor Series- Fighting Temptation, should be read before this novella. I personally recommend the entire series because it is amazing but just the first book will give you enough background on Kayla and Cooper to be able to enjoy this sweet and sexy novella!
Gillian's Review
Alissa's Review
***Please note that the first book in the Men of Honor Series- Fighting Temptation, should be read before this novella. I personally recommend the entire series because it is amazing but just the first book will give you enough background on Kayla and Cooper to be able to enjoy this sweet and sexy novella!
FINALLY!!!! We get the details of Kayla and Cooper and I
couldn’t be happier
with how their story turned out.
“That day I realized that moving to
this town wasn’t going to be so bad after all, and it actually turned out to be
the best thing that ever happened to me.”
We met sassy mouthed Kayla and got to know her crazy ways
and fell in love with level headed by the book Cooper in Fighting
Temptation. Throughout the series this
couple had embedded themselves into our hearts and I am so glad KC decided to
give us more of them in this sexy/sweet novella.
“You need to be careful of the
games you keep playing with me and my dick,” he whispers, his tone as smooth as
whiskey. “Because next time, Kayla, I will not be responsible for my actions,
and believe me when I tell you, you are not ready for me, baby. Not yet.”
KC takes us back to how they fell in love and drove each
other absolutely crazy. I have to say
that during the part of their past and how they met was absolutely amazing. I
want a whole book on that part. The tension and chemistry between Kayla and
Cooper was explosive and I couldn’t get enough. It was filled with forbidden love, heart
pounding lust and angst that will drive you mad. The sizzle of them finally
coming together was off the charts hot and yet one of the sweetest moments I
have ever read.
Then we get to experience the beautiful journey of their big
day and how these two finally, after all these years, find their beginning as Mr. and Mrs. Cooper McKay.
“I love you the same as I didn’t
“Shouldn’t you love me more every
day?” she teases, quirking a brow at me.
“That’s impossible, because I
have loved you with everything I have from the day I made you mine, and I will
for the rest of my life. Nothing—or no
one—will every change that, Kayla,” I tell her truthfully.
The Final Temptation was the perfect addition and conclusion
to one of my all-time favorite series.
If you have not read the Men of Honor series by KC Lynn I would highly
suggest it. Each book will capture a new part of you and take you on an entire
new journey. They are all so different and yet have the same loving “at home”
feel to them. KC has become one of my
all-time favorite authors and each release I can’t wait to see what she is
going to bring us.
★★☆ 5 Deliciously Sexy & Swooning Stars ☆★★
Reviewed By Alissa Evanson
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Seeing that I am a huge alpha male, steamy sex, happily ever
after addicted whore of a book lover.
I admittedly have my list of go-to writers. You know the ones- you love so much you reread,
one-click and
pre-order for immediately.
Well KC Lynn isn’t on that list; no KC Lynn for me is simply THE
KC you ruin me every time. Please don't ever stop. You write
crack for the heart.
I am and will always be a life long fan-girl of KC. The woman is
in a league of her own, with an awe inspiring talent that boggles my mind, my
emotions, and ALWAYS leaves we waiting on a bed of pins and needles with bated
breath for her next book.
Okay okay I will stop fan-girling!
Once again we are given an epic read that is just so
heartwarmingly sexy, romantic and brilliantly wonderful. I wanna live in a KC
Lynn book! Gah!
I love love love those sexy men and sassy woman she pens so effortlessly.
Bring on Kayla and Cooper!! Right from the first page the grin
sets in, as I’m immediately feeling like I’ve been reunited with the friends
I’ve missed so much.
I soooooo love hearing Kayla blush and gush about Coop from the
Oh. My. God! Then THAT!! BAM!
Instant excitement! Way to start KC! (you need to read to get this!)
OMG OMG omg!! Yes yes yes!!! Yay yay yay!! I’m grinning stupidly
by now and honestly it lasted pretty much the whole way.
I did cry a few times,
because I was just so caught up and could not help myself.
Once again KC Lynn takes us on a journey of the heart. With
Kayla and Coop sharing their story, I was completely captivated from start to
With vivid retellings of a young Kayla and Cooper, we are privy
to see how these two loving characters really are soul mates. And I loved being
transported back in time to see just how they came to be. It was seriously
written so beautifully that I could read books and books about this time in
their lives alone.
Cooper will have you swooning and salivating over his dirty
hotess of a mouth, and best off all falling so madly more in love with his
Hot damn is sheriff cooper one dirty talking panty-soaking
master of the law.
Cuff me Coop, Cuff me, is what I wanted to yell while
reading some of the hotter than scoville scale sex scenes.
Holy shit some of
his lines had me fanning myself with a big O'l happy mother ass blush on my
Oh my hearts, flowers and Pandora bracelets Kayla and cooper will
melt you're insides leaving you in a warm puddle oh gooey love.
The boys are back and each delivers a few thoughts and lines
about their gal that will make your tummy feel that wonderful flutter that results from their line epic-ness.
Well, except Cade, but we get a little Cade and Ruthie love.
Loved that!
On top of the beautiful romance we are treated to witness just how deep seeded Jules and Kayla’s friendship is. Aww, I just loved this
two! There friendship is just awe
inspiring and they are thick as thrives. I loved their antics and just how
strongly bonded these girls are. I couldn’t help giggling along with some of
the crazy shit they did. Everyone deserves a friend like these too.
I never wanted it to end! I want a full-length novel woman!!
If its even possible I feel I have fallen even more in love this series.
With love, loyalty, friendship, witty humour and an incredible
love story The Final Temptation is
just that- A sweet little Temptation of
a read that is sure to leave you satisfied, breathless and soooo romanticized
you'll want to start over at the beginning again because… this is a love story
at its finest.
Reviewed By Gillian Grybas
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The moment his control
We stare at each other for a
long moment, the air thick with tension. His hands still grip my arms tightly
when something passes between us, something powerful.
“You know what? Fuck it!”
Then suddenly it happens, the one thing I have been wanting from him, for three
long years. He kisses me, his mouth crashing to mine, hard, hot and
Oh god. My knees go weak and a whimper escapes me at the
first sweep of his tongue. His taste—his incredible, masculine taste—floods my
senses and sets my body on fire. I waste no time giving just as good as I get.
My fingers weave into his hair with a grip that draws a growl from him and I
match him stroke for every desperate stroke, taking what I have ached for, what
I have dreamed about for so long.
Catching me off guard, Cooper
picks me up by my ass and walks us a few steps. I hear a bunch of shit crash to
the floor before my back suddenly meets the cold, hard surface of his kitchen
table. We never break the kiss, our mouths devouring one another, our tongues
dueling a beautiful battle of frustration and pure, hot lust. My lungs crave
oxygen but I can’t stop, I don’t want to, I need more. I rip open his uniform
shirt and the tiny buttons fly all over the place. My hands slip beneath his
undershirt and roam over the smooth, hard plains of his abs.
With a groan he rips his
mouth from mine, and starts trailing his lips down my throat. “You drive me
fucking crazy!” he growls. “The way you torment my dick, prancing around this
tight, little body of yours. Testing every measure of my control!”
And I finally snapped it.
Thank the Lord!

Connect with Author K.C. Lynn
Men of Honor series
Fighting Temptation (Book 1)
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Sweet Temptation (Book 2)
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Resisting Temptation (Book 3)
Beautifully Insightful
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