Title: Collision
Author: Evie Harper
Genre: Romance
Publication Date: March 24, 2015
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When I was fourteen years old, I killed for the first time. That day I learned cruelty wasn’t only within the walls we had just escaped.
It hasn’t been easy growing up in the middle of a war. A struggle to find shelter. Fighting to protect our bodies against the corruption of the streets. Nobody cared about the street kids who had to beg and steal to eat.
We are the Portland Street Kings – A family forged through loyalty not blood. To get through this life of broken dreams alive, we’ve become hard, uncaring and merciless. We do what must be done to keep our family safe, we will harm those who stand against us.
We have it all, feared and respected by those on the streets. Then she collided into my world, and with her came demons from my past, back to haunt us all.
My Review
*This is me standing on my soap box shouting out to the book
loving world.
Evie harper can
honestly do no wrong!
Evie Harper is a
writing marvel!
Evie Harper your
stories take my breath away!
Evie Harper FUCK ME,
you are good woman!
Evie Harper's new series
is simply INCREDIBLE!
Pshht!, And here I thought I was a fan girl of Evie Harper
before with her You Loved Me series
BUT fuck me I was WRONG!!! Evie’s newest
writing adventure is just that…an adventure. So buckle your seatbelts ‘cause
Evie is going to take your heart, mind and soul on an AMAZING new journey.
Collision, is book 1 in the Portland Street Kings series and is
one HELL of an all out face-paced, extremely unique, and sure to get your motor
running’ of a read. It’s soooooo just gah!!! The English language is seriously
escaping me on how to share my thoughts and feelings about this book. It’s
honestly WOW! A MUST READ!
I swear this woman has turned me into crazy book stalking whore!
With the end of book one in the Portland street kings series
harper has be salivating and seriously jonsing for more and more and MORE!
We meet the Portland Street Kings in an incredible prologue that
sets the tone and gives us an insightful glint into the past life and hardships
of the series characters. It’s right here that I know that Evie once again as
penned GOLD! Pure I’m gonna love every
bloody minute-fucking gold!
Collision is Slater and Piper's book!
Oh boy oh boy oh boy!!! Talk about an uncanny ability to make
you fall so headstrong in love with characters. Harper seriously has the
monopoly on this. I was instantly swooning over Slater and his protective side
and oh so excited to see a spunky; take no shit of a heroine, Piper!! Eeeccckkk!
Our mouths
continue to crash against each other, biting, licking and claiming one another.
We pull back at the same time, both with ragged breaths.
“What was that?” she asks, still trying to
catch her breath.
“That was me saying I like you,” I reply with
a grin.
It's no secret that I am a HUGE fan of Evie’s characters. For me,
she has written some of the most influential and resilient woman characters to ever
grace the pages that I’ve read. Characters whom have buried themselves into my
book-loving heart forever, characters who to this day I think back on and a
smile breaks out across my face.
Well get ready for the newest addition my friends…PIPER!
Piper is seriously a force to be reckoned with. Piper is formidable;
she’s a girl so full with oodles of love, sass and devotion. I loved her hard.
Far beyond the simple woman she pegs herself to be, you will
without a doubt be a huge cheering fan of Piper like I am. This girl is
patient, kind, beautiful, sexy, oozes compassion, understanding and strength
like a true Harper heroine. I cannot help but gush about this girl! Piper is
independent all the while knowing when she needs to concede. She is a little
firecracker with a huge SPARK!
As for Slater I was immediately smitten with this bad boy. Holy
hotness on a soda cracker! Slater is loyal protective and seriously has the
biggest heart even thought he likes to think different. The tough street thug
is sure to win your heart over with his devotion, loyalty and ability to love
and protect what’s his. Slater is the epitome of the type of alpha man I adore!
Oh my Lord! Evie has written him to be the perfect hotttie-dominant that can
take charge in once instance, then say the sweetest-fucking thing in the next!
Fuck me is this boy gonna make you melt. Again another Harper character tucked
neatly into my heart vault, yep right alongside Jake and Kayne. Jesus woman
your characters amaze me.
about you. I can’t get you out of my fucking head. See this?”
I grab the bulge in my pants.
“This is just from seeing you, and that’s not
fucking normal.”
Together piper and slater are chemistry, passion, desire, lust
and love on CRACK!! Their attracting seriously seeps of the pages and will
cause your face to hurt as they are sooo bloody perfect. I swear I had tummy
flutters the whole flipping book. The dialogue was perfect constantly bringing me
to the sidelines so easily being sucked into their lives. I felt as thought I
was right there with them. Evie’s writing is so vivid, you can’t help but
become a part of the story. It’s consumingly awesome and there is nowhere I’d
rather be when indulging in Harper’s wickedly crafted world. I just was smitten
from start to finish.
Piper and Slater are sooooo fucking hot. The sex scenes are
crazy tummy fluttering fanning your-self hotter than hades. Oh holy hell these
two have some crazy animalistic attraction that is just…SEX ON FIRE!!
With an incredible story underlining a building plot line, an
array of emotions placating throughout its pages The Portland Street Kings will
no doubt be the must read series. Collision is a masterpiece once again that I
am so thankful I got to read. Thank you Mrs. Harper for giving us another
incredible ride! xoxox
★★☆ 5 Revved up Stars! ☆★★
Reviewed By Gillian Grybas
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About the Author

“What if I already have, brotha? What if she’s already dead?” Rex’s grin is devilish, one I know all too well. He got to her. I push off him, hard, causing Rex to slump to the ground roughly. My chest explodes and my whole world falls apart. I look around me at the people staring, at the dust in the air, at the cars in the distance. Piper. I grab for my chest at the exact moment I know my heart plummets to my stomach, as if I thought I could catch it first. My mind is screaming at me to get to Piper to try to save her, but my panic is holding me back. Laughing at me, taunting me, reminding me that I actually thought I could let her go when really I can’t even bear the thought of living in a world where she doesn’t exist. In a blur, I hear Pace yelling that the home phone isn’t connecting. I look to see Rex on the ground, laughing, almost cackling. In a split second, the harsh world comes back into focus and I see everything for what it is: a world where I never win, where I’ll always be the underdog. I look to Rex and growl, "I told you why I did it! Why your father had to die. He was a rapist, and he deserved to die. Now you've gone after my girl? I can't let you walk away from this." I look down to him with what I'm sure are black eyes, murder running through my veins. I feel it pumping through my blood like worms sucking me dry. "If you’ve gone after her, if she’s hurt, you better run," I growl. "You better run fucking fast, because I'm coming for you. I'm coming for you and your whole fucking crew. By the end of the day, I'm gonna to be washing your blood from my body and laughing. Laughing because your daddy still controls you even after his death. You won't take off your fucking rose-colored glasses and see him for what he was, a fucking sadistic asshole!" I end on a roar.

Evie is an Australian author whose passion for reading lead her into writing. Evie spends her days writing angsty, heartbreaking love stories and creating happily ever afters. When Evie isn't writing you can find her reading or spending time with her husband and two children. Evie released her debut novel You Loved Me At My Darkest in August 2014 and it was quickly followed by Book #2 You Loved Me At My Weakest which released in November 2014. Book #3 You Loved Me At My Ugliest will be releasing mid-2015.
Book #1 in the series is called COLLISION and will be releasing 24th March 2014.
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