Thursday, January 29

***BLOG TOUR, DOUBLE REVIEW & GIVEAWAY *** Beautifully Insightful By KC Lynn

Title: Beautifully Insightful
Author: KC Lynn
Genre:  N/A, Erotica Romance
Publication Date: January 16, 2015
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Purchase Links:  Amazon US  /  Amazon CA  /  Amazon UK  /   Kobo


Have you ever felt like you didn’t belong? Like you never fit in, or you weren’t good enough? This is how I have felt for as long as I can remember. 

I see the world differently than everyone else, I feel everything differently and I reflect on life differently. And being different in my world is not a good thing.

I live in a place that’s divided between the rich and the poor, the beautiful and the unbeautiful, the prestigious and the mediocre. I have always belonged in the first category, because my father was the Governor of Georgia. 

Growing up around people I could never relate with, my life had always been lonely, that was until my senior year when I met the one boy who would change my life forever. A boy who my parents would never approve of because he didn’t come from money or the same social class. He rode a motorcycle, had tattoos and was considered to be from the wrong side of the tracks. Yet he was still envied by many.

Ryder Jameson was someone who every guy feared, and one who every girl wanted to be touched by. He didn’t do attachments, or have friends… until me. And for the first time in my life I finally felt like I belonged. When I was with him, my different didn’t feel wrong or ugly. He made me feel beautiful- insightfully beautiful. Then one day my world came crashing down on me, and it would be six years before I'd once again see the boy I fell in love with.


After working my ass off I am given the opportunity of a lifetime, and if I pull it off I will be the youngest FBI agent to run one of the biggest undercover operations in history. Only the case that gets thrown in front of me leads me back to the one place I swore I would never return to, and to the only girl who’s ever mattered to me. 

Except Emily Michaels is not the same girl I left behind. She still looks the same, she’s still beautiful inside and out, but there’s one thing that’s very different about her, one very big thing, and it’s something I didn’t think was possible.

Ryder and I come from a world where politics separates us and wealth defines us, but even after all this time we will not let it divide us. 

Here is our story. 

Alissa's Review

Have you ever read a book that completely just blew you away? A book that touched every part of your being and captured your heart and stole soul?

That is what Beautifully Insightful did to me. I had been waiting for this for months. I would see updates on KC Lynn’s page and each teaser, each blurb had me needing this more and more. But absolutely nothing could have prepared me for the story I was given.

Beautifully Insightful is a breathtaking and heartfelt story line with a mix of heart wrenching suspense that will capture your attention and not let go until the very end.

Ryder Jameson… Gahhhh!!! Oh Mylanta to the good Lords… Ryder Jameson isn’t your typical bad boy. Born into a white trash family from the wrong side of the tracks, Ryder appears to be the definition of bad boy. He has the tattoos and the bad boy charm. He is the guy everyone fears yet every girl would drop their panties for with just a single look. But he is also smart. Ryder wants a better life then one he has been dealt. His one goal in life is to get out of that god forsaken town, and with a full scholarship- he is about to do just that.

That is until Emily Michaels. Emily grew up different than Ryder. She was raised in one of the most powerful homes around. She has spent years behind the walls of a home where she has suffered almost constant emotional abuse from the two people who are supposed to love her the most- her parents.
“Let me see, Em.”! 

I shake my head, panic flooding my system as I think about him seeing the ugly parts of me. Worrying that he will see what my mother sees and be disgusted like her…

Emily isn’t your average rich girl though. Emily has been through a lot in her seventeen years and has learned to see what’s on the inside of people instead of what’s on the outside. Appearances mean nothing to her and she refuses to let society- or her parents- dictate how she lives. 

When Emily and Ryder meet there is no denying the indestructible connection they share. With the world working against them- Emily refuses to see anything but the man she knows Ryder really is and Ryder makes Emily feel more beautiful and complete than she ever thought possible. Their connection has Ryder second guessing everything he thought he wanted. He refuses to allow anything to come between them until one day the unthinkable happens.

Six years has passed and Emily can’t believe her eyes when Ryder shows up, and for Ryder, the unimaginable has happened. Emily is no longer the lonely girl living in a world of darkness under the roof and thumb of her parents. She is strong and independent. She is learning to cope with the life altering changes that have been thrown at her. But one thing remains the same. The connection they shared all those years ago is still there and once again- their messed up world of politics and family control will stop at nothing to keep them apart. 

“I see the way you eye-fuck me, baby. The way those pretty, blue eyes of yours beg me to do all sorts of dirty things to you.” I know I’m being an asshole, calling her out, but it’s the truth. The way she looked at me yesterday when she turned the corner- it took every ounce of restraint I possessed not to haul her ass into her apartment and fuck the shit out of her. 

She scoffs but its shaky. “In your dreams, Jameson.”

I thought KC Lynn had me with her Men of Honor series. I mean, if you have read about Jax, Sawyer and Cade then you know that those guys are some of the hottest alphas you can read about. All possessive and bossy with just enough sweet that will melt your heart. Just the thought of them will have you panting and begging for more. But sweet lord upon alpha men… Ryder Jameson takes the cake. There isn’t anything I didn’t love about that man. Not only is he a fucking king at the dirty talkin’ and will leave you with many “I need to remove these panties right now” moments…but he loves with all he has and protects with all he is. And in spite of being forced back into a town that he loathes with a false identity he can’t divulge- he has been given a second chance with the only woman he has ever cared about, and he refuses to let anything stand in his way.

“This has to do with taking back what was taken from me, Emily, and that’s you. You are fucking mine, you have always been mine, and I’m not going to let anyone get in my way from getting it back- including you.”

There are so many different aspects to this story that it is impossible to describe the depth and true beauty of its entirety without giving too much away. One of my favorite parts of this book is a part I can’t get too much into. Emily’s life is different than those around her and I have to say- the way KC Lynn describes how Emily copes with it is spectacular. Witnessing the way Ryder acts with her nothing less than beautiful. It all gives this story line the unique twist that made this one of my all-time favorite reads.

Congrats again KC on yet another spectacular release. 

★★☆ 5 Stole My Heart Stars ☆★★

Reviewed By Alissa Evanson

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Gillian's Review

Beautifully Insightful is…Incomparable, unbeatable and belonging on a shelf of its own...the top

I need to preface this review by telling you the following:

1. I cannot stop smiling.
2. Truthfully, I don’t think I will ever read a book better than Beautifully Insightful.
3. In no way will my review do this book justice or give it the review it deserves.
4. It will be one constant spiel of me gushing, surely sounding like the lunatic fan-girl I am.
5. KC Lynn is in a realm of her own, Jesus woman you ruin me every time!!!
6. Never have I highlighted so much in a book before EVER! Not EVEN in University!
7. KC Lynn “I think you're pretty fucking cool!”

Stunned, shock, and surprised all followed by that wonderful feeling of knowing that what I've just started to read without a doubt is going to shatter my heart and soul in the typical fashion that only the great ones like KC Lynn can do. 

I cannot wait!

Enter my big ass grin! EEEEPPPPP!!!

These were my first impressions and thoughts as I begun to read what KC Lynn as penned as her latest epic masterpiece, Beautifully Insightful.

By the first few pages KC has managed to propel me into her well thought out and crafted literary world. Right away I felt I was standing on the sidelines living and breathing along with these amazing characters and masterful plot.

Having started this at work like an idiot was a huge mistake. What I should have done was call in sick. When I wasn't reading it, I was thinking about it. When I was reading it I was like a druggy finally getting the fix I'd been longing for.

Yep, this book is that good! A book whores dream book come to life. 

This is the masterpiece Beautifully Insightful

It's better than MOH!! Yes I've said it!! (I know Right???!!! But it’s true!)

From the beginning as I sat reading I honestly felt as if I was sitting on pins and needles, along with an almost bated breath sensation because never have I read a story like this. I felt as if I just couldn't read it fast enough. But yet, I was stressing that I was reading it too fast and that it would end too soon. I was a reading contradiction the whole time.
 Read it. Save it. Read it. No savor it.
 But in the end, the book whore in me won and I finished it at a faster-slower pace! LOL

The plot is unlike anything KC has written before and I have to say I was totally engrossed with it. It was amazing! There was an air of suspense looming throughout that just had me glued to the pages to see how it would all progress and play out. There is a sort of gray element that just blended so well with the love story unfolding within the genius of the story as a whole.

But for me the big OMG, were the characters. WOW! Does this story ever introduce us to some truly remarkable characters! In my opinion KC has a real knack for creating some of the strongest and most resilient characters to grace the pages of fiction of late. And let me tell you she has just upped the ante with the introduction of Emily and Ryder. SWOON!!!

Emily, my god does this girl SHINE!

I couldn't even dream up a more amazingly, sweet and loving character. Emily is so fucking resilient and strong, adjusting too and overcoming situations that would make most crumble and give up. She’s brilliant! Never allowing any shortcomings get in her way of accomplishing all of the things she sets to do. To her they aren’t even shortcomings; I don’t think this girl would let anything get her truly down, she has such an uplifting personality that you can possibly not adore and fall in love with her.
I connected to her immediately and seriously became this girl’s head cheerleader rooting her on at every turn. 
God she is so lovable, all the while being sooooo sweet, and sexy!

Emily is sassy, sarcastic and best of all, she doesn't put up with anybody's shit. Especially that of her dick-ass parents who seem to try in vain to keep her down. Simply put I FLOVE her!

Then there is Ryder…

Oh holy mammoth of an alpha man is Ryder!

Ryder, oh in all that is scared and holy Ryder is just molten lava HOT! Aside from being the bad-boy rebel, he is an all out alpha with a dirty mouth and the sweetest side of beautiful when it comes to his girl Emily.

This entity of a man is sure to leave every girl a quivery mess! Hot damn this man is amazballs! Holy mountain of pure wonder and amazement, I’m talking 8th wonder of the world!! God Lord, he just left me smitten with his dirty talking alpha ways! Ladies heed my warning; have your b.o.b or partner on stand by! Like panties a b-l-a-z-i-n-g!

Putting Ryder and Emily together is pure perfection at its finest. Oh my, these two just have an all consuming lust and love that left me completely invested emotionally. As I read I experienced the symptoms of true book greatness pretty much the whole time. From tummy flutters, accompanied with nose twitches, to tears streaming down my face, to shakes of excitement all topped off with being all hot and bothered. Hell this story is one of a kind!

KC Lynn’s characters are seriously little miracles that have been gifted to the literary world. I swear everyone needs to read the story of Ryder and Emily to witness its power and beauty.

These characters have most certainly burrowed themselves so deep into my soul and I without a doubt know I will carry with them with me for life.

Not wanting to give too much of the plot away let me just put it this way. Beautifully Insightful is the story of lovers from the opposite sides of the track proving that love really does conquer all, with many exciting twits and surprises with some OMG moments thrown in to kill us along the way. 
After all this is a KC Lynn book right; she who ruins me EVERYTIME!

I swear KC Lynn’s sex scene writing skills are like on roids in this book! Jumping- jelly- fish! 
I was swooning, drooling and literally fanning myself at the visuals of the wanton, hot and heavy sex between Ryder and Emily! Swoooooon, Shaa-WING!! Yuuummmmyyyy! 
I couldn’t get enough, which lucky for us readers there is a lot!!!

I will never go to the movies and view the top rows the same way again! Holy fucking puddle of wetness needing wet-naps now! Kind of scene. Yikes it's fucking scorching hot. 
So put the popcorn aside and grab your guy, your gonna want him for sure!

The book hangover that follows this read surpasses the last one you thought you'd never get over, replacing it easily and completely.

I know for me Beautifully Insightful just might be the one I will NEVER get over.

Simply put…I’m a Beautifully Insightful drunkard and I have no plans on sobering up, I’m eager to stay in this blissful buzz that followes such an epic read for as long as I can.

A must read…for any book lover, lover of love, or lover of…greatness.

                                   ★★☆10 Enormously Shining Bright Brilliant Stars ☆★★

Reviewed By Gillian Grybas

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“Stop thinking, only feel, baby.”

I follow his command, and push his open dress shirt down his arms then pull up the T-shirt he wears underneath. “Take this off so I can feel you against me.” He sheds himself of the shirt within seconds then pulls me in close, wrapping me in his strong embrace. Electricity shoots through my entire body, and all the oxygen flees from my lungs.

“Damn, you have the softest skin I’ve ever felt,” he mumbles, burying his face into my neck.

We do nothing for a moment but hold each other, feeling a connection that I know I will never feel with anyone else. I’ve tried, god I have tried to move on, but I couldn’t. I thought it was because I had no closure, but now that he’s back I know that isn’t the case. It’s because he still holds so much of my damaged heart.

Ryder pries my knees apart from his hips before running his hands up the inside of my thighs. I moan, my body trembling in anticipation for what’s to come. He reaches my panty line then gently runs a knuckle down the center of my wet panties, causing slight shock waves to travel through my body. I gasp and he groans. “Fuck me, you are soaked.”

My response is another moan as I thrust my hips toward his touch, craving more pressure. “Ryder, please,” I plead breathlessly.

“Don’t worry, baby, I got you.” He pushes my panties aside and runs two fingers through my wet flesh, skimming over my swollen clit before inserting a single finger inside of me.

“Oh god!” I cry out at the sweet invasion.

His groan is guttural. “Oh fuck, your pussy is as hot and tight as I remember it.” He begins pumping his finger in and out of me. “Look, baby. Look between us, watch what my finger is doing to your sweet pussy.” I glance between our bodies, and the erotic sight has my inner walls clamping down around his finger. The need for release becomes so fierce, so overwhelming, that I feel like my body is about to combust.


About the Author

K.C. Lynn is a small town girl living in Western Canada. She married her high school sweetheart and they have four amazing children: two lovely girls and a set of handsome twin boys. It was her love for romance books that gave K.C. the courage to sit down and write her own novel. When she is not in her writing cave, pounding out new characters and stories, she can be found living between the pages of a book, meeting new tattooed, hot alpha males with very big…Hearts.

Follow the author at these links
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  1. Oh, this sounds sooooo good. I'd love to read it!

  2. Would love to check this out! Adding to my list!
