Release Date: April 25, 2018
Cover Design: Najla Qamber Designs
Photo Credit: Max Eremine
Six wasn’t the hero I needed.
But he was the man I wanted.
And it was my selfish craving, the desire to own him, that would be our undoing.
No one tells you that love is a disease. An infection that tears your heart apart, leaving you half the person you were before. A malady that leaves open wounds. An invisible disorder tracing scars in the places you couldn’t see if you weren’t looking for them.
I was sick, but love didn’t heal me.
Instead, it festered in my marrow, and drove me to unforgivable mistakes.
Six was my first mistake, but he wouldn't be the last.

Six Feet Under is a kind of manic love story with a fairly unlikeable (at first) heroine and a hero that even at the end of the book is still kind of shrouded in mystery. Mira and Six’s relationship spans years, goes through upheaval after upheaval with a whirlwind love story thrown in the mix.
Mira is suffering from mental illness. Has been her whole life. And nothing seems to quiet the crazy thoughts that constantly swirl in her mind. One night she meets a man that is exactly what she doesn't want. Patient. Forgiving. Accepting. With a constant push and pull, Mira tests the boundaries to only find that Six moves them to suit her. As time goes on, she tries to find peace but it’s always just out of reach.
Being in Mira’s head was kind of exhausting — in a fascinating way. I really felt for her character and sympathized with her plight. And I liked Six. However, I honestly still don’t think I know him. Even though he was the hero of this story, he kind of existed on the periphery. So I kind of had a hard time really falling for him. I also didn’t understand his silence and all his motives which frustrated me more often than Mira’s antics. I’m really hoping the next book delves a little deeper into his character. I think had I learned to connect more with him, this book would have been even better. The story was unputdownable though and I am absolute *dying* for the next book.
Coming Soon
Release Date: May 9, 2018
Cover Design: Najla Qamber Designs
Photo Credit: Alexander Kuzmin Photography
Six was always there, even when I didn’t want him.
But he couldn’t hold me together, and I couldn’t be his penance.
Loss is a phantom limb. No one can see it, but the ache torments you in the night, distracts you during the day, and leaves you fragmented. I’m half a heart, half a soul, and nothing could cure the pieces he’d left behind.
Losing him was safer than loving him. Because the love that kept us coming back again and again was nothing short of madness.
But then, isn't mad love the most honest?

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About the Author
Whitney Barbetti is really, truly awful at writing in the third person, so we're just going to change this bio up a bit and write it as first person.
I am married with two boys. When I'm not changing diapers or cutting food into tiny bites, I escape to Starbucks for hours. My blood pressure actually drops the moment I walk in, hear the baristas call my name, and inhale the aroma of coffee beans. And I don't even like coffee.
I love music and have a playlist for everything. Queen is my very favorite.
I like watching creepy shows when I am home alone but then I instantly regret them once my mind starts breeding irrational fears. I try to channel my fears into my books as a way to cope.
I have about 20 bacon things in my fridge.
Connect with Whitney
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Amazon Author Page: https://amzn.to/2IpCB5O
BookBub Author Page: http://bit.ly/2H7Dr7U

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