To the Fall by Prescott Lane
Publication Date: March 8th, 2018
Genre: Contemporary Romance

You know the story.
Boy meets girl, they fall in love, two kids, white picket fence.
This isn’t that story.
This is more like . . .
Man meets woman. Man sleeps with woman.
Man meets another woman, sleeps with her.
And so on. You get the idea.
I own a small boutique hotel in New Orleans, the Kingston. I’ve seen men do some stupid stuff in the name of the woman they love, or at least the woman they love for the night.
That’s not me. I’m always in control. You’d be surprised how much you can get away with on just good manners and a smile. It’s the only way to keep my secrets safely locked away.
And my smile hides a lot. Until her.
She turns me down flat. Playing hard to get is my favorite game. It’s the thrill of the chase.
Only problem is, I think it’s me that’s getting caught.

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Dr. Lorraine laughs and pulls out her prescription pad. Scribbling something, she turns it to me. The title reads: The sex diet.
I bust out laughing. “You’re writing me a sex prescription.”
“Sort of,” she says. “You ever gone on a diet before?”
“The thing with diets is, you usually start off strict.”
"How did I know that?”
“No touching by either party, not even kissing.”
"Wait, not even a hand job?” I ask.
“You’ve got your own hands. Use them.”
She writes jerking off on her script pad, then puts a checkmark beside it. This is the craziest shit.
“Once a day as needed,” she says, writing that down.
“I’ll never make it.”
“How many times do you want?” she asks.
“At least twice, morning and before bed.”
She shakes her head. “Okay, twice a day,” she says and points her pencil at me. “That’s it.”
“I really don’t think I need . . .”
“You won’t be released from therapy until I’m satisfied you’ve completed this,” she says.
She has me by the balls, and she knows it. I can’t believe I’m being forced to agree to this, but what choice do I have? “I haven’t had sex in a couple days. Can I get credit for that?”
“No,” she laughs out. “Start fresh today.”
“What about it?”
“Can I use it?” I ask.
“You don’t have enough memories to sustain you?” she asks.
“Good point.”
She gets to her feet and sticks out her hand. “Good luck.”
Shaking her hand and smiling, I’m sure I’ve got this.
I bite the inside of my mouth, realizing the old lady has tricked me. It’s Thursday. I’m not seeing her again until Tuesday.
That’s five days! Shit, what have I done?
5+ “Diet” StarsWow. I finished this book late last night and I woke up thinking about it. I finished yoga thinking about. I cleaned the house thinking about. And I fall more in love with it the more I think about it. This book impressed me. It snuck up on me. It is going to be one of this year’s favorites and I can safely say that knowing it’s only February. To the Fall had me enraptured and pulled me deeper with every word. It’s different. It’s emotional. It was perfect.
To the Fall follows Pierce and is told from his point of view making this a unique look into a manwhore with a past. At first Pierce is an arrogant and quite frankly kind of duchey buisness owner who makes no bones about his sexual needs. In fact he’s honest to a fault about the fact that it rules his life second only to the hotel he owns. He figures being open and honest about his interions is all he needs to do. But finding himself in a bit of a bind, he comes face to face with a couple women who do not put up with him or his excuses. Then finding the one woman who turns him down, he finally starts to come to terms with the fact that his life isn’t exactly smooth sailing and his journey inward was something to behold. When the time comes to open up, Pierce is faced with looking at what has been buried so far down he’s *almost* forgotten it existed.
When I first started this book, I honestly wasn’t sure I was going to click with the hero. He seemed so artificial and kind of riduculous. But as I turned page after page, I went on Pierce's journey with him and I saw him slowly growing and learning to accept the changes he needed to make. And I was blown away. It was also so realistic and tangible. It didn’t happen over night. For a while it was one step forward two steps back and I honestly loved that. I started to actively root for him. I witnessed his struggles first hand and my heart hurt for him. Especially as I started to uncover everything he was activity trying to forget and the guilt and pain he lived with. Plus he was truly a genuine man who love with his whole heart when he allowed himself that privilege.
Ms. Lane wrote a broken manwhore hero that blew all other broken manwhore heroes out of the water. And it wasn’t all heavy either. There were lots of times that I laughed out loud and times that I swooned into a puddle of lust. But as we were made privy to the past parts of Pierce, I was filled with anxiety and dread knowing something was coming and realizing exactly what created Pierce also made him so incredibly loveable. And honestly, as much as I love a good extended epilogue, I would have been totally fine with the ending of the book as it was before that epilogue. It was genuinely perfect for the story, for Pierce’s journey and for my heart.

Meet Prescott:
Prescott Lane is the Amazon best-selling author of Stripped Raw. She's got seven other books under her belt including: First Position, Perfectly Broken, Quiet Angel, Wrapped in Lace, Layers of Her, The Reason for Me, and The Sex Bucket List. She is originally from Little Rock, Arkansas, and holds a degree in sociology and a MSW from Tulane University. She married her college sweetheart, and they currently live in New Orleans with their two children and two crazy dogs. Prescott started writing at the age of five, and sold her first story about a talking turtle to her father for a quarter. She later turned to writing romance novels because there aren't enough happily ever afters in real life.
Connect with Prescott:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PrescottLane1
Twitter: www.twitter.com/prescottlane1
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2lfhlrh
Instagram: instagram.com/prescottlane1
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