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Truth: A painful condition caused by a prolonged state of sexual arousal without release.
Myth: Only affects males.
I’m beyond frustrated with the man who’s left me high and very far from dry. Multiple times. But, somehow, even though I’m not interested in a relationship, Mr. Tall-Dark-and-Handsome keeps me coming back for more—one crazy, sexual debacle after the next.
Come hell or high water, the stars will align, and the release will be out of this world.
I’m captivated with the woman who’s left me sixty-nine shades of blue, and she's only in this for one thing. The first time, I blew it—and not in the good way—but I’m going to ensure we finally see it through. I need to put an end to this “plague” of sexual calamities and prove to Sarah that we can have more.
It's time to grab the universe by the balls and show it who's boss.

is my first read by this author and I'm sure it won't be the last.
That's because I'm gonna go and read Clam Jam now! lol I wished i had
read it before this but i guess it can be read as a standalone.
Jack has his sights set on Sarah. She's the best friend of his best friends fiance. He knows she doesn't do relationships but he can't seem to help himself by chasing her anyway. He knows he's about the spend a lot of time with her because their best friend's are about to be married. He see's this as his chance to spend more time with her. He want's her to be his.
Sarah does not do relationships but she's a red blooded female who loves sex! After seeing the way her mom was throughout her life she is determined that she will never marry and settle down. She has a wild attraction to Jack but he scares her. She knows he has feelings for her but she also knows it will never happen. She can't resist him though and see's a chance for a bit of fun for both of them.
Let the race to the big "O" begin!
I have some mixed feelings about this book. At first when i started reading i wasn't sure if i liked the writing style. Basically the author talks to you the reader from the character as the story goes on. I wasn't sure at first but as the story went on i got used to it and then kinda liked that it brought you into the story.
I loved both main characters. Jack is an amazing character i fell hook line and sinker for him he seriously had me swooning. He's the ultimate good guy! Former Nerd turned hottie!!! phewwwww. One of the final scenes in her apartment :-
"Open your door, Sunshine" - Jack
OMG I was nearly crying with joy!!
Sarah is a lot of fun and i really liked how forward and confident she was with her sexuality! Go Girl!! When they were together i found it quite sweet and it gave me warm fuzzies!
The besties are also great characters and i can't wait to go read them.
Now the reason i didn't give it more stars.
I'm not sure if some of the humor went over my head but i didn't find it that funny. Some scenes were and i did laugh out loud a few times but a lot of it fell flat for me.
Also I have to be honest and surely I'm not the only one but OMG i felt like doing serious damage to Sarah for about a quarter of the book. At first the blue balls bit was funny but then when it kept happening and she was getting all the fun i felt his frustration for him even though he never voiced it. I mean come on!! The poor guy!!! I felt like he got walked over by her a bit in his quest to win her. I get The Princess Bride reference, and the name of the book, i do, obviously it was gonna happen, but i found myself being really annoyed by it rather than think it funny.
Overall i enjoyed this book, Jack absolutely made it for me because he's wonderful. But the frustration prevented me from giving more stars.
3.5 Frustrating blue ball stars!
Jack has his sights set on Sarah. She's the best friend of his best friends fiance. He knows she doesn't do relationships but he can't seem to help himself by chasing her anyway. He knows he's about the spend a lot of time with her because their best friend's are about to be married. He see's this as his chance to spend more time with her. He want's her to be his.
Sarah does not do relationships but she's a red blooded female who loves sex! After seeing the way her mom was throughout her life she is determined that she will never marry and settle down. She has a wild attraction to Jack but he scares her. She knows he has feelings for her but she also knows it will never happen. She can't resist him though and see's a chance for a bit of fun for both of them.
Let the race to the big "O" begin!
I have some mixed feelings about this book. At first when i started reading i wasn't sure if i liked the writing style. Basically the author talks to you the reader from the character as the story goes on. I wasn't sure at first but as the story went on i got used to it and then kinda liked that it brought you into the story.
I loved both main characters. Jack is an amazing character i fell hook line and sinker for him he seriously had me swooning. He's the ultimate good guy! Former Nerd turned hottie!!! phewwwww. One of the final scenes in her apartment :-
"Open your door, Sunshine" - Jack
OMG I was nearly crying with joy!!
Sarah is a lot of fun and i really liked how forward and confident she was with her sexuality! Go Girl!! When they were together i found it quite sweet and it gave me warm fuzzies!
The besties are also great characters and i can't wait to go read them.
Now the reason i didn't give it more stars.
I'm not sure if some of the humor went over my head but i didn't find it that funny. Some scenes were and i did laugh out loud a few times but a lot of it fell flat for me.
Also I have to be honest and surely I'm not the only one but OMG i felt like doing serious damage to Sarah for about a quarter of the book. At first the blue balls bit was funny but then when it kept happening and she was getting all the fun i felt his frustration for him even though he never voiced it. I mean come on!! The poor guy!!! I felt like he got walked over by her a bit in his quest to win her. I get The Princess Bride reference, and the name of the book, i do, obviously it was gonna happen, but i found myself being really annoyed by it rather than think it funny.
Overall i enjoyed this book, Jack absolutely made it for me because he's wonderful. But the frustration prevented me from giving more stars.
3.5 Frustrating blue ball stars!
Reviewed by Kerry

About the Author:
RC Boldt is the wife of Mr. Boldt, a retired Navy Chief, mother of Little Miss Boldt, and former teacher of many students. She currently lives on the southeastern coast of North Carolina, enjoys long walks on the beach, running, reading, people watching, and singing karaoke. If you’re in the mood for some killer homemade mojitos, can’t recall the lyrics to a particular 80’s song, or just need to hang around a nonconformist who will do almost anything for a laugh, she’s your girl.
Email: rcboldtbooks@gmail.com
Facebook Reader Group: http://bit.ly/2iNvOqS
Website: http://www.rcboldtbooks.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/rcboldtauthor
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RC_Boldt
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