VIGOR, A Spartan Riders Novel
by J.C. Valentine
Spartan Riders, #3
Cover Designer: Sara Eirew
Publication Date: August 29, 2017
Genres: Adult, Contemporary, Romance, MC Romance, Bikers, Standalone
Amazon: http://amzn.to/ 2vDoAhE
Amazon UK: http://amzn.to/2ugJjbI
Amazon CA: http://amzn.to/2wxysa1
USA Today and International bestselling author J.C. Valentine is back with the latest in her electrifying, dangerous, and provocative world of the Spartan Riders MC…
After escaping an abusive marriage, Spartan Riders bartender Ginger “Red” Mercury is determined to live life on her own terms. When the club’s VP declares her untouchable and stakes his own claim on her, she finds herself ready to wage war.
A year after inoculating the threat from notorious cartel leader Ricky Cruiz, Garrick “Repo” Stone, the last-standing original member of the Spartan Riders MC, has his focus on something else: monogamy. Having decided to settle down and take an ol’ lady, he has his sights set on Red…and he has his work cut out for him if he hopes to win her.
When a new threat makes itself known, threatening everything the brothers stand for and care about, they’re left scrambling to find out who’s behind it before it’s too late. With the high-stakes game of war looming over them, will Red be able to open her heart to love before outside forces pull her and Repo apart?
Repo’s scowl was deep, making that unforgiving face of his dark and menacing despite the stark contrast of his fair coloring. She couldn’t tell if he was happy to have her there or pissed. But she didn’t feel the least bit threatened by him like she was by those guys outside. Plus, he’d saved her, so what was there to be afraid of? He had to be one of the most handsome men she’d ever seen. She wondered if he had a woman… Looking down, she caught the glint of a wedding band on his ring finger. Damn. So, he wasn’t the upstanding guy she was hoping for, but she wasn’t one to meddle in other people’s affairs. Who was she to judge? The way he was looking at her, like a wolf sizing up his next meal, made Ginger feel sexy and powerful. She took stock of the situation. He was so much older than her, but he was full of vitality. He came across mean, but she didn’t feel afraid of him. In fact, with the way he was looking at her now, she felt like he’d break anyone who tried to harm her without blinking twice, and that knowledge actually gave her a fuzzy feeling. “Babe,” Repo said, his expression fierce, “I want to kill those bastards,” he growled. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you never to go off alone at a biker party?” “It’s my first time,” she explained. “I was looking for my friend.” “Did you find her?” “No.” She hadn’t. She hoped Summer wasn’t in the same trouble Ginger had found herself in. But she was a lot more streetwise, so Ginger would bet wherever she was, she was just fine. “So, you want to find her?” He was giving her an out, Ginger realized. She surprised herself by saying, “Not right now.” Ginger looked at the giant bed behind him. She was no prude, and the idea of being with him was exciting. She could already see herself in it, him on top of her, moving inside her. “Good.” Repo stepped into her personal space, one hand cupping her face, the other holding her hip to draw her closer. As he stared down into her eyes, Ginger felt herself relax, her thoughts calming, narrowing down to that one moment in time where it was just the two of them in that room, connecting on a level she didn’t fully understand. His very presence, so strong and masculine and confident, filled her with a sense of calm even while all her senses were reeling. “You’re safe here,” Repo told her firmly. “But I want to fuck you, babe. You want that too?” “God, yes, please,” she breathed. Staring up at him, Ginger experienced an unknown feeling swelling inside of her, filling her with warmth and hope and something she dared not give a name or voice to. She wanted to thank him, to tell him how much his words meant to her, but she was unable to find her voice. So, she did the only thing she could: she acted. With zero reservations, Ginger rose onto her toes and tunneled her fingers into Repo’s snow-white hair. For half a second, she met his cool water gaze, communicating her intent, and then she kissed him. It took even less time for Repo to respond, as if he’d been hoping all along she’d do just that. His mouth crushed hers, matching her intensity. His beard, a coarse salt and pepper that lined his chin, jaw, and mouth, abraded her skin, tantalizing her senses even more. Without preamble, he grabbed her up and hitched her legs around his waist as he carried her to the bed and laid down on top of her. He didn’t stop kissing her as he stripped her clothes off and did the same with his own.

J.C. Valentine is the USA Today and International bestselling author of the Night Calls and Wayward Fighters Series and the Forbidden Trilogy. Her vivid imagination and love of words and romance had her penning her own romance stories from an early age, which, despite being poorly edited and written longhand, she forced friends and family members to read. No, she isn’t sorry. Living in the Northwest, she has three amazing children and far too many pets. Among the many hats she wears, J.C. is an entrepreneur. Having graduated with honors, she holds a Bachelor’s in English and when she isn’t writing, you can find her editing for fellow authors. Sign up for J.C.’s newsletter and never miss a thing! http://bit.ly/1KxXWWB
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