Title: Revue
Author: KM Golland
Release Date: May 27, 2015
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Purcahse Links: Amazon US
… I had paved my way
He answered to no one.
… I respected authority
He wanted me.
… I despised him
He didn’t take no for an answer.
... NO!
When freelance photographer, Corinne Lee, is required to visually document the nationwide tour of Wild Nights Male Revue, she finds herself in a world of near-naked, testosterone-fuelled men on stage—not her photographic muse of choice. She also finds herself in the arms of Josh, the revue’s star performer.
Josh Adams thrives on the limelight, the stage and, most of all, the attention of women who endlessly throw themselves at him. He dances sex, speaks sex, breathes sex … is sex! Josh lives for sex, but never with the same woman.
When both opinionated and headstrong characters are closely thrust together in a lust-ridden and sexually-charged environment, which of the two will break first?
Will Josh realise that Corinne could be the exception to his ‘no strings’ rule? Or will Corinne let go of the fantasy of finding Mr One and Only?
My Review
“Why do you fuck so many women?”
“Because I like to.”
I stared at him. “That’s it?”
“Yep. I like to fuck. I like to fuck women. They like to fuck me. So …
Are you ready for the show?
we fuck.”
Well pad your panties ladies because Wild Nights Revue is coming and it’s an experience you do not want to miss. You’ll see soon to be brides, old grannies, wild and crazy attention seekers- all just waiting for that famous ear whisper.
When Cori gets roped into a job photographing this all male revue show she wants nothing more than the three months she is stuck on tour with them to pass. She doesn’t know how much she can take of the man-whoring and arrogance of some of the guys…well one guy in particular.
Josh is probably the biggest man-whore around. He is cocky and arrogant and so full of himself that just the thought of him repulses Cori. So why-even after she finds him f*cking a chick backstage does she have to keep reminding herself of all the reasons she shouldn’t want to be just another meaningless notch to him?
“Sweet Jesus, that thing looked delicious! But let’s face it, like babies, not all cocks were gorgeous. Some were weird looking and, at first glance, all you could do was mentally will your lips to part and say the words ‘Mm…yum’ when really you were thinking ‘er…um’.
Josh is your typical bad boy- drop dead gorgeous and ultimate ladies’ man. He doesn’t do commitments or relationships. He is all about the single act of sex. And boy is he good at it. Maybe a little too good. I mean even I was getting a little stomach churning just thinking about how many women he has had to f*cked before to have a tongue and moves like he does.
But when he sets eyes on Cori- something in him breaks. He is confused by his new ‘feelings’ but wants nothing more than to explore them- with her. To see if he is really as f*cked up as he thinks he is.
This was a crazy sexy story with a lot of Magic Mike type dancing and holy mother effing shitballs you will be wishing you were in that crowd screaming and panting right along with all the other ladies. Josh and Cori have a sort of instant hate/love relationship. Josh wants to more than just make Cori his one night stand but convincing this level headed woman of that is another story. Cori has built up walls and doesn’t believe in meaningless sex so she refuses Josh at every turn- but only she can take so much.
“Sweet Jesus, that thing looked delicious! But let’s face it, like babies, not all cocks were gorgeous. Some were weird looking and, at first glance, all you could do was mentally will your lips to part and say the words ‘Mm…yum’ when really you were thinking ‘er…um’.
Josh is your typical bad boy- drop dead gorgeous and ultimate ladies’ man. He doesn’t do commitments or relationships. He is all about the single act of sex. And boy is he good at it. Maybe a little too good. I mean even I was getting a little stomach churning just thinking about how many women he has had to f*cked before to have a tongue and moves like he does.
But when he sets eyes on Cori- something in him breaks. He is confused by his new ‘feelings’ but wants nothing more than to explore them- with her. To see if he is really as f*cked up as he thinks he is.
There’s more to life than sex, you know.”
“Yeah, there is, sweetheart. Sex with me.”
Josh leaned closer, his breath hot on my neck.
“And you’re gonna experience that real soon.”
I turned toward him.
Bad idea.
Terrible mistake.
Our faces were centimetres from touching.
“No I’m not.”
“Oh, yes, you are. In fact, I’m going to make it my sole mission before this tour has ended to get you on top of my cock. And I’ll let you in on a little secret, sweetheart … you’re gonna love it.”

This story will have you glued to your kindle. Its sexy, funny, playful and yet a bit somber. I absolutely love KM Golland and she is one of the only authors I will read when I suspect there will be cheating. It doesn’t matter because KM has a way to make you love and feel for the characters regardless. Both Josh and Cori’s actions pissed me off and made me sad at the same time.
If you are in the mood for a sexy insta-love type, fast paced story then I would definitely recommend Revue! Its extremely sexy and flirtatious. I would have liked to see a couple more sex scenes and maybe a little more depth to the characters. We got some background on them but not as much as I would have liked. That said- I still loved Josh and Cori and KM’s writing was fabulous as always. I love the humor she writes with. It has a way of making the shittiest situations lighter and bearable.
If you are in the mood for a sexy insta-love type, fast paced story then I would definitely recommend Revue! Its extremely sexy and flirtatious. I would have liked to see a couple more sex scenes and maybe a little more depth to the characters. We got some background on them but not as much as I would have liked. That said- I still loved Josh and Cori and KM’s writing was fabulous as always. I love the humor she writes with. It has a way of making the shittiest situations lighter and bearable.
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***4 STARS***
Reviewed by Alissa Evanson
About the Author
“I'm an author. I am married. I am a mother of two adorable little people. I'm a bookworm, craftworm, movieworm, and sportsworm. I'm also a self-confessed shop-aholic, tea-aholic, car-aholic, and choc-aholic.” Born and raised in Melbourne, Australia, K.M. Golland studied law and worked as a conveyancer before putting her career on hold to raise her children. She then traded her legal work for her love of writing and found her dream career.
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