Title: Roxy (Pandemic Sorrow Book 3)
Author: Stevie J Cole
Book Tour: May 11 – May15 Hosted by: SBB Promotions

My life had been no fairy tale. Actually, growing up, it had been something more like a nightmare, which is why I ended up so hard. When you don't want to hurt having the ability to be numb is your best defense mechanism. And for a long time all I was doing was existing.
Jag Steele, the lead singer of the international rock band Pandemic Sorrow, was the epitome of everything I despised: arrogant, entitled, but the thing I hated most about him was that he was an addict. Drugs had been the demon that had ruined everything in my life, and anyone who had a love affair with them pretty much made my stomach turn. It brought up memories I wanted to stay buried. Needless to say, I wasn't exactly a fan of Jag.
Funny thing is, people aren't always who you expect them to be. Never in a million years would I have thought the night I meet Jag would have any significance on the rest of my life, but it did.
I found out that sometimes something that screams utter destruction might actually be your saving grace.
Some people may say our story is too screwed up to be a romance, but for two broken people, we made the pieces fit together perfectly.

You know those books that come along every so often, the ones
that just have such an impact on you, that you feel like you will never forget
it for as long as you live. Stories that burrow themselves deep inside your
soul. Well that was Jag for me. It
seriously impacted me, and still affects me today.
It’s a book I will never
forget, It’s honestly one of the best books I’ve ever read.
SO when Stevie decided to give me Roxy. I LOST MY FUCKING MIND!
Like freaked the hell out! Then I had to wait, and wait.
But let me tell you the
wait for the yin to Jag’s yang was soooooo worth it.
Stevie you just gah! Woman, Roxy was just so bloody perfect!
From the moment I began the first chapter in Roxy I was
immediately brought back to the girl I just loved getting to see fall in love
with our beloved Jag.
Roxy introduces us to her story with a warning of sorts.
Basically telling us this is her story judge her if you dare but know she
couldn't give a shit, she did what she had to do! I thought this little chat
with the reader was brilliant, genius really. From this I knew immediately that
Roxy once again would have my heat, attention, empathy, respect and cheers.
I loved how Stevie gave Roxy an instant voice. A perfect voice
From chapter one I was hooked.
With a glimpse into her childhood it's a wonder Roxy turned out
to be the amazing woman she did. Surrounded by loss, poverty and drugs Roxy's
story will move you and affect as expected from the likes of Mrs. Cole.
One of my favourite moments was getting to see Roxy affected by “the
Jag Steele”. The same man she so desperately wanted to find revolting. The one
whom while she's waiting in line at the meet and greet is now clenching her
legs... Just a little bit. Ha! I loved getting her POV that these moments where
I had been so curious before.
As the book progresses by heartbreaks for Roxy and the life
she's lived. And here I thought she saved jag when in turn it's the opposite or
a more level playing field if truth be told. Roxy is so resilient and strong
you can’t help but be proud of her. I found myself cheering hard for this girl.
After living through the idea that being raised a troll- lowlife
druggie scum only breads the same it takes an ex-boyfriend and a near death
experience to change Roxy's outlook of life for the better.
Seeing Roxy make difficult decisions and being privy to her
fight, determination and struggles just made me see how truly wonderful of a
heroine she is. Witnessing her pain and torments was so palpable I was an
emotions wreck.
But aside from the sadness there is an incredible love story
that unfolds between Jag and Roxy and is simply amazing. From starting a
family, overcoming addiction and fighting for love Roxy is one hell of a hot
mess of a read that will leave you wishing it never had to end. God I love
these two and man oh man do they have one hell of a spark.
It's been a long time since I connected so deeply with a female
character Roxy just blew me away. I think she really is an amazing character
who despite being given lemons in life indeed made some kick ass lemonade!
Stevie’s writing in Roxy was just bang on. As a mega fangirl I
could not have asked for more….well other than more pages of course!
★★☆ 5 incredible Stars ☆★★
Reviewed by Gillian Grybas
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Jag (Book 1)
Rush (Book 2)

I grew up in the southern United States, and am still stuck here. The basics: I'm eccentric, I'm slightly obsessive, and I've been called a pervert. I love writing because it is nothing short of a magic trick. It pulls someone else into your mind and holds them there. Fair warning: my mind is pretty twisted, so watch out.
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