My rating: ★ 5 Rock On Stars ★

She says all good things must come to an end.. and WHAT A FREAKING END it was.
Ally Nightingale, The backbone of the Rock Chicks.
~ "My name is Allyson Nightingale, but everyone calls me Ally. And I’m a Rock Chick, in name and deed. That is to say I worship at the shrine of Rock ‘n’ Roll and I live the rock star life, doing what I want when I want how I want.” ~
But Ally is keeping a secret, A secret that is about to revealed. What goes down will take you on a wild ride, ROCK CHICK style.
Ally believes she isn't ever gonna get what the other Rock Chick's have, her own hot bunch guy. She is ok with that. She doesn't need some over-the-top macho guy forcing his way into her life, bossing her around.
She finally has found her passion. She is Badass though and through, after all she is a Nightingale, so why not go into the family business.
~ I love doing it. It’s in my blood. It’s me. ~
The only problem? Her family don't want her in danger. Not trusting that she can handle her own. Ally sets out secretly taking on her own cases.
While the Hot Bunch quietly keep tabs on her, Ally finds herself on Radar after the Faye fiasco.. If you have't read Breathe OMFG GO READ IT NOW gahhhh…..
While Ally has been keeping this secret she also has been keeping another secret.
One sexy bad ass Italian, Ren.
Ally finally thought she found her happy ending, but it was all pulled away the morning after. (A very short lived Fairytale.)
With a bumpy start, Ren and Ally now are strictly casual. Only problem is.. Ren doesn't agree.
With Badass Macho brothers, Lee and Hank. A Badass Police father. Last thing Ally need is a Bossy Badass Alpha man.
He might no be a member of the Hot Bunch, but he was a full- blooded Italian hot guy member of a crime family.
If if he only got the memo that they can't be more than what they have.
~ "How many times do I have to tell you? We're fuck buddies, Zano." ~

For over a year Ally fights Ren, his patience was amazing considering is was badass Alpha.
But finally when they realise they both are in deeper than a one night stand, everything is laid down on the table.
~ "I'm pissed, and I don't know what's goin on with you out there, which means I'm pissed because I'm worried. But that doesn't negate the fact that I like what we got and I want more." ~
They are just perfect for each other. Now for those of you that don't know. I freaking love Kristen Ashley's Alpha. A little mean, but still be sweet.
I found Ren to be a little different.. Not in a bad way. No, not at all. Just not as hardcore Badass when dealing with a Rock Chick. (Like, could you see Luck letting Ava dance as Smithies?) and he really wasn't mean. I definitely didn't even hate him for a few mins hahhaha. Like most of my K.A Alphas.
Don't get me wrong we still got to see him Communicate in asshole
~ "You let me in, Ally… Around the time you came when my mouth was between your legs on my stairs. Then again when you came when my cock was driving into you in my bed. Then again when you wrapped your mouth around my cock, also in my bed. And a-fucking'-gain when you found it while riding my cock, also in my bed. And last, when you wrapped your sweet hot, naked body around me and passed out in my bed." ~
But I found he complimented Ally so well, we didn't get a lot of unnecessary angst. It was freaking awesome.
As always the smoking hot Alpha talk was ever present. No one does it better. I promise you that…. And Ren was no exception.
~ "Baby, you're gorgeous. The way you wear a dress is goddamned foreplay. The way you give me everything and nothing, making you a challenge only a real man would accept, it's all kinds of hot. The way you give as good as you get in bed, totally unselfish at the same time phenomenally greedy.. Fuck," he growled. ~
I freaking loved Ally, she is my all time fav Rock Chick. For me she was enjoyable to read. She was smart and witty and at times so sweet. She knew when to shut her mouth and when to go hardcore Rock Chick.
She kinda reminded me across between Sylvie and Faye. LOVE LOVE LOVE.
Her smart ass comments to Ren. Hahahha so good.
~ "Should I salute when you issue an order? Or will nodding and instant compliance do?" ~
I loved seeing Ally, Hank and Lee, have their sibling drama but still have the love for each other.
~ "There are a million other things I'd want for you. It took me awhile and Hank to lay it out, but the thing I should want most is what you want." ~ Lee
Everyone made an appearance in Revolution. EVERYONE….
K.A does these characters so well you kinda feel a little jealous that some are loosely based on people she knows. I WANT to know these cool ass people.
I freaking pissed my self laughing about the comment regarding the author Kristen Ashley's, name being made up.
~ "Who is this Kristen Ashley person?""My guess… It's a made up name. Kudos to whoever picked that great romance novelist name. But totally fake. No one's named, Kristen Ashley." ~
Hahahhahaha I bet that scene is one of the scenes she mentions dancing around her office after writing.
And in typical Rock Chick style we have crazy kidnapping's, Crazy Tex, some more cats, Tater Tots, some awesome kitchen bench action, Bombings, Shootings, some hilarious Fortnum customers, throw in some Stripping, a couple of weddings and an amazing Epilogue, (Love me a good Epilgue) we are left with one hell of story.
This was an amazing conclusion to the the Rock Chick Series. K.A's writing is Gold.
You can feel the emotion, she puts into her words. You feel her connection. No one can compare to a K.A Romance.
To continually hit it out of the park over and over again, this woman needs more recognition.
She makes note in her acknowledgements that these Rock Chick books are 'her' in a sense, important parts of her life.
I met K.A at Book Bash, and let me tell you. She is THE original Rock Chick. So down to earth, humble and downright amazing. I stood in a line for over 2 hours with hundreds of others and she spent time and appreciated every single one that came and spoke with her. A true Rock Chick.
Though it is sad it's over, I can't wait for what she has for us next.
~ It wasn't perfect, none of it.But it was a fairytale.And people needed to believe in fairytales. Even flawed ones. ~ Kristen Ashley

Favourite Quotes
~ "No blowback." Why he told this to Ren, I did not know, but I suspected it was because I had a vagina. ~
~ The Rock Chicks do not include my brothers (Because there're dudes, and unless the dude is gay he can't be a Rock Chick. ~
~ "Pot isn't drugs, it's flora. It's natural. ~
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Rock Chick is one od my all time favorite series. I love K. Ashley <3 Male characters in her books are to die for... *swoon*