BOOK: You Loved Me At My Weakest
SERIES: You Loved Me (Book #2)
AUTHOR: Evie Harper
RELEASE DATE: November 24th, 2014
RELEASE DATE: November 24th, 2014
Broken, used and worthless.
They are the words that have been branded into my mind for the past five years.
Now freed, but they stole my smile and left me with only tears.
My dreams of the future died right before my eyes.
I'm fighting to find my way back, but I’m too weak.
I won’t let her walk this road alone.
I’ll hold on for her. The dark can’t last forever.
Her heart beat keeps time for the rest of my life.
Our fate will not be denied or erased.
It will be beautiful.
“How great your love is for me.” I whisper.
“Forever Emmy”
Now this, is a love story written at its finest. What a heart felt, completely AMAZING story between two childhood lovers who found their way back to each other after some of the most traumatic events anyone could ever endure. Evie Harper has done it again and I’m not surprised in the slightest. This incredibly talented author has given us yet another gripping tale full of undeniable love and loyalty. Her words were spellbinding, consuming my every thought, as I read page after page of You Loved Me At My Weakest. This beautiful romance is not one to be missed.
Kanye, Kanye, Kanye… I don’t think it’s humanly possible to swoon any more over a guy than the way I have for pined for this fine specimen of a man. He is a tenacious, unbelievably gorgeous, loving alpha male who will have your ovaries clenching before he even drops his pants! His kind words, supportive nature and love for Emmy is truly inspiring, it is absolutely beautiful and I could not get enough of it. Kanye has been in love with Emily since he was just a young boy, after searching for her for years he finally has her in his clutches and he will be damned if he lets her go again, despite what Emily thinks she wants.
Emmy, I fell in love with you before I even knew what love was. And I will continue to love you until I’m old and senile and I forget what love is.
Emily, my dearest Em! Oh how I felt for this young woman. After suffering hell for five years Emily is now reunited with her family and loved ones, but she has returned a different person. A mere shell of the woman she used to be, the woman Kanye loved. Self loathing and hatred fills Em’s world, she doesn’t know how to move forward without the only man thats ever had her heart.
Nothing can erase the awful past that haunts Emily’s mind and soul, but together, can she and Kanye build a future capable of easing those nightmares? Is their love strong enough to conquer the dark shadows looming around the corner?
Sobs rip from my chest as my walls crumble and my well-constructed defense waves its white flag and I finally let Kanye in.
You Loved Me At My Weakest is an all enthralling novel that will lure you in from the very first moment, hold you captive throughout every tear, every smile, every kiss, and hypnotise you until the very last word. I am overwhelmed with emotions right now, Evie’s magnificent writing of telling Kanye and Emily’s story is astounding and beautiful. This heart stirring book is most definitely one of my favourites as is Evie Harper, one of my go-to authors.
I had the wonderful pleasure of beta reading YLMAMW and I’m so thankful I had that chance. Emily and Kanye share an unbreakable bond that will stand the test of time and I’m so very glad to have read they're inspiring story.
You loved me at my weakest. Now trust me at my strongest.
★☆★ 5 AMAZING Stars! ★☆★
Reviewed By Bel Burgess
Found, saved, released… freed.
Should I have a smile on my face? I should be happy, right? I’m going home. I’m going to see my family and I’m going to be safe from now on. No more hands touching me. No more bruises to watch fade away from my skin.
But I’m broken, ruined, and worthless. What can I offer them? I’m tainted. Darkness has touched me more times than I can wrap my mind around.
This suburban family doesn’t know what true evil is. I’ve laid beside the devil countless times and he’s turned me black. Inside and out.
The world around me grows louder and I come out of my thoughts, staring at the ground. I turn my head to look for Kanye, who is standing behind me. We just stepped off the plane that brought me home. He’s watching me, again. Each time I glimpse a look at him, my breath catches. He hasn’t changed at all in the last five years. Still the most handsome man I’ve ever laid eyes on. His wild, short blond hair and deep blue eyes that tell me he’s so much more than just a pretty face; his thoughts are always deep and meaningful. His body is still fit and muscular. My head still only comes up to his eye level.
Shouts distract me from my examination. I look around and find my parents sprinting toward me. Across the airstrip not listening to any of the men screaming behind them to stop. My mother drops her handbag, items spilling from it; however, she doesn’t stop to pick it up.
Time slows for just a moment as I watch my parents. My mother’s short brown hair whips in the air. Her eyes wide with tears falling. I can see one of the teardrops hit her red shirt, and there it sits, a lone wet tear, a teardrop for me.
My father’s cheeks are puffing in and out heavily. His arms pumping hard, I watch as each vein pops up as he pulls and pushes his arms backwards and forwards.
I tilt my head to the side. They’re running toward me, to embrace me. To comfort me? How long will it take them to realize their Emily is gone. How long until they realize I’m repulsive. And I will lose them, all over again.
I’m scared of their touch. Light, loving, forgiving.
Oomph! They’ve crashed into me and time sets back to present and harsh reality.
My dad picks me up, circles his arms around my body, and cries into my neck. My mother hugs me from behind. I feel her tears soaking through my shirt.
I’m scared. My chest feels heavy. My heart begins to swell. It expands and the ice around my heart starts cracking, breaking off in tiny pieces.
My mother’s sobs turn into screams at my back and larger pieces of ice break off. I’m left with just a swollen heart, who just let everything in. Pain, suffering, torment, relief, love. I can feel it all and it’s too much. But I can’t turn it off.
My chest starts heaving, but my mouth refuses to open and let out the cries that are now clawing at my lips to let them have a voice. A voice… they’ve never had a voice. Someone who cared what they cried, someone who would fix the hurt they were feeling.
It’s happening. My body melts into my father’s. My eyes sting and blur. Slowly, I open my mouth and there they are. The cries. They’ve gone ignored and unwanted for so long. They are mine. My cries of pain, torment and my relief.
My father jolts at the agonizing sound that’s ripped from my throat. My mother stands back and repeats my name on a whisper.
Hands wrap around me from behind and I know whose they are. The one person who at this moment is going to send me over the edge. Kanye.
I fall into him, his warmth, and strong arms. We collapse to the ground and he holds me to him. My head to his neck and his hand under my knees.
Kanye repeats on a whisper while rocking us on the ground,“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry.”
I continue to let my precious cries go, while the man I love and the man I cried out for so often apologizes for the pain he didn’t inflict. Pain I can see he has inflicted on himself.
I’m letting my pain go and sharing it with the world. Now everyone around me knows just how much agony I’m in. And they’re listening; they will try to help. They can’t. But at least someone cares. That’s all I ever wanted.
Books By Evie Harper

Ripped from Heaven, Burned in Hell.
Caught and caged in beauty.
Beauty comes at a cost.
One man holds the key to our survival, to our freedom.
Find out how I lived and lost the greatest thing on earth.
I didn't see her coming and that will be my downfall.
She will ruin me, take everything from me, and give me everything I can't have.
I can't help her. I won't.
She is innocence. She is strength.
She is my piece of heaven in hell.
I’m not letting her go.
Book #2 - You Loved Me At My Weakest
Book #3 - You Loved Me At My Ugliest – Out mid 2015: ADD TO GOODREADS
About the Author
Evie is an Australian author whose passion for reading lead her into writing. Evie spends her days writing angsty, heartbreaking love stories and creating happily ever afters. When Evie isn’t writing you can find her reading or spending time with her husband and two children.
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